Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What's in a name?

Hey there!
   Before I dive into my hopes and dreams for this little baby blog of mine, I feel an obligation to state the following as clearly and unequivocally as possible for anyone who may have stumbled upon this via happenstance: THIS IS AN EATING DISORDER BLOG. IT IS WRITTEN/COMPILED BY SOMEONE WHO IS FULLYWITHIN THE ED COMMUNITY. I AM NOT "PRO-ANA" OR "PRO-MIA," AND DO NOT ENCOURAGE EATING DISORDERED BEHAVIOR IN OTHERS, LEAST OF ALL MINORS. THIS BLOG IS MEANT FOR THOSE WHO ALREADY HAVE EATING DISORDERS AND ARE, FOR WHATEVER REASON, NOT IN RECOVERY. Wow, typing in all caps like that is really emotionally arousing! And on that note, I'll be moving right along... ENGAGED IN HER DISORDER, AND IS INTENDED FOR OTHERS
   Some of you may have followed my old blog, Breaking The Food Chain. As much as I loved the outlet that it gave me, the nature in which I set it up was just not maintainable. I would pour my heart out into what would invariably turn into long-winded posts, and the blog really became a glorified LiveJournal (for those of you who still remember the days of LiveJournal). As much as I tried to infuse it with useful information for a clearly identified demographic, I never could shake that "diary" feeling once it was there-the precedent had been set.
   So, I decided that instead of giving the old blog a complete renovation, it would be much easier to create a new one that actually does what I always envisioned my blog would do: be a resource for our community. Somewhere that I can post all the low-cal recipes I read and come up with, articles about the latest weight loss supplements, websites with the best prices on fitness equipment, research studies about eating disorders, amazing smartphone apps for us, thinspo, calorie guides, personal experiences, legal advice, product reviews, mental health and therapy discussions...the list goes on and on! Most importantly, I want people to be able to use it themselves as well as offer their own insights, comments, recipes, suggestions-you name it! The only kind of posts that I DON'T want here are: 

1. Those from anyone without an eating disorder with the delusion that an eating disorder is like a diet they can go on to lose some weight.  
~Try WeightWatchers or Jenny Craig, because EDs are diseases not diets. 
2. Those from judgmental individuals coming from a place of hate, misunderstanding, and/or ridicule. 
~Everyone has issues, some people have more than others, and yours is a serious case of douchebagitis. Check yourself. 
3. Those from self-righteous individuals interested in "saving" anyone's tortured soul.  
~If you want to save people, go to med school and become a doctor. Or go to the YMCA and become a lifeguard...just get the fuck out of here.

  As ED As Pie is obviously a play on the old saying "easy as pie," and is meant to both be a humorous play on words and capture that I want this blog to be, well...easy. I never want to dread a blog post again, or stress over not having written in weeks. The idea is that a post can be anything-an image, a link to an article, a YouTube video--whatever. I can't tell you how many times I see something that I wish I could just send to everyone on my ED Twitter, or read something that would take way too much time and effort to convey in 140-character increments! Likewise, I'm constantly amazed by the awesome links that others post-but sometimes Twitter just isn't the best medium. I'm excited to get this started and see where it goes. 

And THAT was officially my first and last post to be more than a paragraph in length. Hallelujah! 

Stay lovely, ladies! 

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